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When A Problem In Your Marriage…Isn’t

Episode #248

What’s the real problem that you’re trying to solve? What is the root cause?

It’s easy for men to stop doing the things that they know work when everything is going so well. It’s no coincidence when many problems surface at the same time. These are the symptoms that something is wrong. The cure is to get back to what you know works. Get back to basics.

You’re always gonna be vulnerable to being triggered. Your routine and how you start your day is very important. When guys start to falter, it usually means that you’re not taking good care of your morning routine.

Work on yourself, serve yourself, and do something to better yourself. We are designed for continued growth. When you get back to your routine, you will have that solid foundation on which to grow.

In this episode, we are going to talk about how to know the symptoms and root causes of your problems, and how to solve them.


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