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Revisit: What Are Your Standards

Episode #125

In this episode, Tim & Doug discuss how to shift your mindset to make progress in your business and personal life and how it starts with asking yourself about your standards.

Using a real-life example, Tim & Doug share a story of a member of the Activation Method who completely shifted his mindset from one of self-limiting beliefs and fear to confidence and abundance to completely transform his life and his business. Over the course of 1 year, this individual went from being unable to sell in his specialist area to 10x-ing his sales, selling to the exact same people who had turned him down 1 year previous. It all came from a mindset shift.

In this episode, you will hear how the man achieved this, how he made that first step, the obstacles and biggest mistakes he made along the way and the man he has now become today.

One of the first and most important steps to improving your life and your business is to shift your mindset. Changing those psychological factors that affect our daily behavior and habits is a long and winding road that Tim & Doug have helped people down on various occasions. One of the most common problems they see is men who start on the journey but fail to follow through.

Doug explains what daily routines were used in order to change the discussed individual’s attitudes and beliefs and how it took time and dedication to see these huge results.

Things you will discover in this episode:

  • Simple routines you can do daily to shift your mindset
  • The importance of gratitude
  • How happiness relates to abundance
  • How surrounding yourself by inspiring and like-minded people can help
  • How the alpha reset can completely change your life
  • The critical questions you need to answer in the first step to shifting your mindset
  • The biggest roadblocks in mindset shifting and how to overcome them.
  • The importance of your relationships in finding a positive mindset.


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