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Staying Committed

Episode #171

Staying committed.

Two words. Easy to remember but very difficult to apply in our daily life.

How many times do we switch from one task to another?

How many times do we promise to ourselves to do something but after some time we turn away, find another thing to do, commit to it and then stop, and then turn away again, and the cycle goes on?

If you want to stay committed to something, you’ve got to be anchored to something that is stationary.

Something that is stable or not going to move, whether it’s your faith, your religion, your morning routine, or whatever it is.

Anchor yourself to something that doesn’t change.

Then go deep.

Follow a path and take it down to the very end.

Make sure you’re not avoiding the important.

Take some time for your self.

Take some time to reflect and take the time to take action.


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