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It’s Not Your Staff, It’s You

Episode #103

Business leaders complain regularly about underperforming staff BUT the way they perform reflects what kind of leader YOU are to THEM.

Let that sink in…

If your staff is underperforming, then typically, it is because you have trained them to work that way. They work and treat you the way you have treated them and by the standards, you have set.

If you don’t allow your staff to execute certain tasks, then they will have no chance to prove to you what they’re capable of.

The truth is, most business owners we talk to, don’t trust their staff and are afraid that the business might fail so they do all the work by themselves and then complain of the low productivity of their staff later on.

Business owners should develop themselves as an investment. Leadership training hones your leadership skills so that you can also develop your staff to increase their productivity.

You must realize that the solution to your problem is YOURSELF as a leader. When you become realigned with yourself and your purpose and step up as a leader, everybody else steps up and your business will grow exponentially as a result.

What you will learn in this episode:

  • The importance of being the right leader
  • The importance of trusting your staff
  • The importance of having a mindset that it’s all on you


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