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9AM Doug VS. 5PM Doug

Episode #181

What will you feel when someone says something about you being a horrible businessman or being a crappy husband?

What would you be scared of people thinking about you?

In this episode, we talk about the guilt and shame that many of us feel when we aren’t “on track”. How there is a stigma around falling “off track” because as men, we feel we should be strong and tough enough to do everything on our list and that we should be perfect.

Because of this pressure we have all put on ourselves, we refuse to let anyone know when we’re struggling or “off-track”.

We don’t want to ruin the image that we have put on for others.

Let us tell you something…

ALL men are struggling with something.

When you’re in the struggle, the easiest way to lighten the load within yourself is to reach out and be honest.

Nobody is perfect.

It is an effective tool to have people around you whom you can have these conversations with.

Stop pretending someone you are not.

You don’t need to hide.

When someone says you are not man enough or you are not a good husband and it triggers you, TAKE ACTION.

This is where the transformation lies.

Take an action that will bridge the gap between what your identity is and where you are currently.

Not taking action is preventing you from your greatness and is preventing you from your potential.

The time to step up is NOW.


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