The Powerful Man
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The 3 Pillars To Quit The Chaos & Stop Sabotaging Your Success So You Can Have More Impact And Earn More Money Without It Coming At All Costs

Just a Small Fraction of The Results We Had Delivered


Gavin was feeling trapped, off purpose, and unfulfilled in a business that had been generating £80K per month, he desperately wanted to reclaim his power and let more love into his life so he could follow his passion and improve his relationships.


Although Liam’s previous business was generating £40K per month it left him feeling confused, lost and unable to be the man he wanted to be for his family, he’s since shifted to feeling peaceful, powerful and on purpose. He’s since started another business and is delivering a powerful impact for his clients.


Despite Jhon’s business generating millions he felt lost and out of his power and it was wreaking havoc across his life – he was struggling to show up for his wife and for his family, he ignored his health and he used to self sacrifice a lot. Since then, he’s been able to claim his power and his business, relationship and happiness has transformed.


Omir was stuck in his head, unable to shake the pain of a past relationship that kept holding him back. Since then, he’s been able to reclaim his power and take control of his business and life in a whole new way!

Scott Brandon


Scott has made millions and lost millions because of the unconscious unworthiness that caused him to sabotage, this same pattern that was blocking his happiness and success in his business and relationships. Now, he accepted the performer within him and is launching his first show this year!
Jeremy Bergeron


A 9-5 simply didn’t cut it for Jeremy anymore, he knew there was more out there for him but he didn’t know what. He used to be a great planner with very little follow through. Since then, he’s left his job, co-founded a consciousness media company and is about to travel the world.
Tah Whitty


Tah had so much potential but he kept selling himself short, he chased too many things and was very scattered and overwhelmed. After letting go of the fear, overwhelm and doubt he was able to treble his business and provide something amazing for his wife.
Sam Barley


Sam ran a successful fitness business but he struggled with a feast to famine and was ‘in his head’ a lot! It kept him distant in his relationships and abusing his body. Since the program, he ended his relationship, restructured his business, and is taking control of his health.

Released a lifetime of pain to quadruple his business in 60 days

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Let of loneliness to find peace, joy & happiness in the success

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Left his 9-5 to follow his passion and start a conscious media company

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Set new standards for himself as he reclaimed his power

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To his business from $3K to $30K per month in 4 months

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Overcame self-doubt and procrastination to have recorded a revenue month

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From anxious, depressed and near suicidal l to empowered, fulfilled and happy

Mark felt misunderstood and unsupported most of his life

Releasing guilt, shame and fear that was wreaking havoc on business and marriage


Gained confidence and clarity to turn his dream into a reality


Finally able to speak his voice and take control!


Going after what he desire most


From chasing money to following passion




Feeling light


Hitting £20K per month serving on purpose


$28.5K - new monthly revenue record


Doubling prices and having people it!


With intentionality comes power!


$30K in 30 days in a way he LOVES!


$70K per month in 150 days!


Clarity brings power!


Life changing!


Bonus Training

5 Points of Power

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Let Your Guard Down

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DISCLAIMER: Results not typical. Unfortunately, we don’t know you, neither your business (yet), therefore we can’t promise that you will be able to recreate these results. The talented entrepreneurs you see on this page had patience, perseverance, a bit of budget and most importantly they put in the work. If you’re still willing to put in the work and give it a shot, we are happy to help!